America needs God, and we need what God can do in our lives.
Would you join me and thousands of other Louisiana residents in making today a day of prayer and fasting?
Dr. Steve Horn leads Louisiana Baptists through his position as Executive Director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. He has asked that our churches and our people fast and pray for our nation.
He is specifically asking that we take the attitude and words of Nehemiah: “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of Heaven” (Nehemiah 1:4).
Like Nehemiah, you might feel like crying over our country. We certainly feel the need to fast and pray.
“One of my goals for this day is to simply listen to the Lord. I have few answers for all that troubles our country. However, I am comforted to know God is in control even when all else looks to be out of control. I pray if you are able, join me in some form of fasting on Thursday and encourage others to do the same” (Steve Horn).
Fasting takes many different forms. How we do this is not as important as simply spending time with God and listening to what He makes known to us.
May God bless us and bless our land.
3 Responses
The only answer I know is not a program or law but a person – JESUS – only He changes hearts – “ Who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the tumult of the peoples“ Psalm 65:7
Until all U.S. inhabitants recognize that we are “One nation under God, INDIVISIBLE”, the “evil” in “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil“ will continue to push his agenda to divide. We are not a nation of black, white, brown or yellow. We are ONE people under God UNITED in all 50 states, districts and territories for one cause, Freedom under God. Author, Ken Ham said we are all “human kind”. I am not an English / French American, I am an American. So should we all be, AMERICANS. One people / One law for all citizens and visiting aliens. Pray for unity under God’s Word.
“America needs God, and we need what God can do in our lives.”
According to Christ’s plan and design in what His Word tells us in how to unite at a Global or Regional level, we must first continue to find ways to publicly unite through our churches on a local level in St. Tammany Parish. Christ is trying to catch everyone’s attention. Christ’s vision for His churches in these troubling times is to publicly display love toward each other in prayer, fasting and service together as one body United. (Hebrews 10:24,25, Romans 12:3-5, Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, Ecclesiastes 4:12, and Revelation 3:15-17). Local churches publicly praying, fasting and serving together in unity can meet the challenges of today and into the future. This kind of Godly love is contagious to our Congregations and to the world.
As always, Toni, I and others will keep all Pastors, Staff and churches in prayer as they continue to seek Christ’s will in growing His Kingdom on the local level.
Serving Christ, you and others to grow HIS Kingdom,
Tom and Toni Monti (TnT)