As we started to regather two weeks ago, we promised that we would make changes as the circumstances allowed.
Since we have now seen the flattening of the curve and our entry into Phase Two of reopening, we are planning for changes in the coming weeks.
This week you will see come reconfiguring of our seating arrangements to add space while continuing social distancing. Also, the Connect Bookstore will be open during the hours of weekend worship. We hope to see many additional changes soon.
For example, we are still looking to have Vacation Bible School this summer.
Also, we will soon begin childcare during the three worship hours for children birth through 4 years old as well as Kindergarten through 2nd grade. We will give additional information about the date and the requirements for childcare in a video announcement next week.
We have been thrilled to see you returning to worship together. Since the 11:00 hour is the largest attended, would you consider moving to either 9:00 AM Sunday or 6:00 PM Saturday? That would allow us to continue adding people until we are able to sit closer together. We want to get as many people back as are able to attend. Moving to another hour will help us achieve this goal. These hours have much more room for “distancing” as well.
Over the last three months, we have had many people volunteer to serve in some capacity. We did not have many opportunities early on, but now we are ready for you to do so. Please call the church office to let us know of your availability or text “Volunteer” to 985-275-8710.
You have heard me say many times that we cannot do the work of ministry without you. Please let us know your willingness to help during these days.
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Any way at all that Tony and I can help, please let us know. Thank you for all you do for all of us. God Bless You!