Changing the Way You Think

Learning Scripture will change the way you think. Changing the way you think will change your life.

The apostle Paul reminded us of the necessity of being transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1-2). Our minds are renewed in part by reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on Scripture. Few things in life yield the reward of the study of Holy Scripture.

How can you receive the blessings that Scripture memorization gives you?

If you would like to see more of the benefits of memorizing scripture, please click here:

Let’s look at a few simple tips for helping you memorize Scripture.

First, as with everything in life you simply have to decide to do it. Until you make it a go you will never get around to memorizing Bible passages.

I try to set a time every day to do certain things. Having a routine helps me accomplish the things I have to do. For me, I want to spend the earliest part of the morning reading, meditating, and memorizing Scripture.

Second, set a goal that fits you. Recently, I read someone who suggested that you memorize one verse of Scripture each week. I think that’s a wonderful – but ambitious – plan. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to try to memorize one verse a week, but most of us will do better at memorizing one verse a month.

Whatever your plan, work at it and stick with it and you will get the reward.

Third, write down your verse on a 3 x 5 card. I know this sounds awfully old school, but recent studies with the Millennials (the youngest generation of adults in America) indicates they remember better if they write it. With this in mind, I encourage you to write your Scripture verse on a 3 x 5 card and keep up with the cards.

Fourth, use your “throw away” time to study and learn your verses. What’s throw away time? Sitting in a car line, waiting at a traffic light, or waiting at a doctor’s office.

Finally, let scripture memory and recitation be a part of your daily time with God.

Do these things and you’ll be blessed.

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2 Responses

  1. Yes indeed!!! My Youth bible drillers are using 4×6 spiral bound index cards for their memory work and I’m using the same for my personal scripture memory. I can carry it with me in my purse and this year I’m succeeding in my plan of memorizing 2 scripture verses a month. Wonderful post!

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